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Send information about upcoming events to Raymond Gariepy (e-mail:
Call for participants
The Sheldon Chumir Foundation for Ethics in Leadership is seeking participants for interviews about section 11.1 of the Alberta Human Rights Act. The section requires schools to give advance notice to parents concerning lessons dealing with “religion, human sexuality and sexual orientation” and allows parents to opt their children out of those lessons without academic penalty. The Foundation is looking for objective, demonstrable evidence of any effects of this legislation for Alberta parents, teachers and students. The Foundation is not looking for opinions on the legislation, only direct, first-person evidence of any effects of its implementation or use in practice. Participation is confidential—names of participants will not be used in any reports or discussions. Participation involves completing a one-on-one interview, in person or by phone, which should take about 30 minutes to complete. The information will be compiled by researchers and may be used to write a report and to inform policy recommendations to various levels of government. There are no risks or benefits to participating and no compensation for participation. For information about the study or to schedule an interview, please respond to Josh Nobleman. Telephone: 403-244-6666
; e-mail:
Dear Coaches, Athletic Directors, Principals, and Sport Medicine Teachers
Are you interested in a more comprehensive medical coverage framework for your student athletes during practices and games? Do you support authentic (experiential) learning, for example, applying knowledge in real-life situations? Do you value rich collaborations between educational institutions? Mount Royal University’s Athletic Therapy Program is hosting a Health and Safety Round Table Discussion on Wednesday, June 19, 1–3 p.m. The event will feature a short presentation and structured discussions to inform, share and discuss issues and ideas related to the above questions. For information, contact Dennis Valdez, assistant professor, Field Practicum Coordinator, Athletic Therapy Advanced Certificate Program, Physical Education and Recreation Studies, Mount Royal University, 4825 Mount Royal Gate SW, Calgary AB T3E 6K6. Telephone: 403-440-8669
Whitecourt’s St. Joseph School celebrates milestone
St. Joseph School in Whitecourt will celebrate its 50th anniversary in July. Former teachers, staff and students are invited to participate in celebrations from July 5–7, 2013. Events take place at Westward Community Hall, located seven kilometres south of Whitecourt on Highway 32 or just past the Whitecourt airport if travelling on the Edson/Peers Highway. For information about tickets and events, contact Jennifer (Chartrand) Gerace (graduated 1991) at 587-891-9393
Plan activities for World Day Against Child Labour
Education International (EI) invites teachers to organize activities that recognize World Day Against Child Labour, June 12. Canada, along with 22 other countries, has not ratified Convention No. 138–Minimum Age (1973). To help teachers organize activities, EI’s One Hour Against Child Labour Activity Kit is available online:
JUMP Math helps students to excel
JUMP Math, a charitable organization working to create a numerate society, is offering a discount on the price of its publications. This special discount is available if you take delivery by June 28. When ordering, please provide an alternative shipping address if your school closes before June 28. Depending on your location, delivery times may be up to two or three weeks. To order, visit or call the University of Toronto Press toll-free at 1-800-565-9523
. JUMP Math believes that all children can be led to think mathematically, and that with even a modest amount of attention every child will flourish. By demonstrating that even children who are failing math or who are labelled as slow learners can excel at math, JUMP Math hopes to dispel the myths that currently prevail. For more information, visit
Alberta sports history goes online
Visit the online Alberta Sports History Library (ASHL) and learn about the history of different sports in Alberta. The online library is a powerful resource for students, teachers, researchers, sports fans and the general public. The online library is dedicated to documenting Alberta’s vast sporting history in an easily accessible website. This research project is ongoing; not all sports played in Alberta are featured at this time. Visit the ASHL website at Contributors and writers are welcome—contact for information.
Autos for Sale
2010 Toyota Rav4 Limited
4WD; V6; all options; black forest green; leather seats; JBL audio; Bluetooth; heated front seats; Led remote start; winter tires; and approximately 115,882 kilometres.
2008 Ford Taurus Limited
AWD; V8; all options; leather seats; beige; 18-inch wheels; reverse sensing system; moon roof; remote start; hitch package; winter tires; and approximately 101,690 kilometres.
Sealed bids for the above vehicles should be marked “Car Bid,” attention Jeffrey Loke, ATA Business and Facilities Manager, Alberta Teachers’ Association, 11010-142 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 2R1. Bids will be accepted until 5 p.m., June 14, 2013.
For more information, contact Mr. Loke. Telephone: 780-447-9458 in Edmonton and area, or 1-800-232-7208 (toll free) from elsewhere in Alberta. The Alberta Teachers’ Association reserves the right to refuse the highest bid if it’s deemed to be inadequate.
Stories and photos wanted
The ATA News is always on the lookout for interesting articles, photos and cartoons. Articles should not exceed 500 words and should be accompanied by a byline, stating where you work and what you teach. Photos of teachers or students participating in activities are welcome. Receipt of material does not guarantee its publication. Send submissions to Managing Editor, The ATA News, 11010–142 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 2R1 or submit electronically to